Concordia University Ann Arbor has many opportunities for students to transfer in credits earned prior to attending CUAA. Please select from the categories below to learn more:

Undergraduate Students

A student may be allowed credit for work completed at the undergraduate level prior to enrolling at Concordia University Wisconsin / Ann Arbor (CUWAA). 在某些情况下,衔接协议可能管辖学分的转让. 在没有衔接协议的情况下,建立了以下要求.

  • 在CUWAA学习的课程,无论形式如何,都被视为“实习”课程.
  • Students must earn a minimum of 18 credits at CUWAA to be awarded an associate's degree and a minimum of 36 credits at CUWAA for a bachelor's degree.
    • 学生的专业至少需要12个实习学分.
    • 学生的辅修专业至少需要6个实习学分.
  • If there is no specified program policy, the university allows for transfer of up to 42 credits toward an associate's degree and 84 credits toward a bachelor's degree, 提供的学分来自另一所地区认可的大学. For a certificate program, 最高25%的总学分可以从另一所地区认可的大学转移.
    • 如果在学生课程开始时没有引入最大数量的转学分, 学生可以与他/她的学术顾问讨论额外课程学分的选择.

Before awarding transfer credits:

  • The student must provide official transcripts documenting completion of undergraduate-level coursework and the grade(s) obtained for this work.
  • 转不到60个大学学分的学生可能需要提交他们的正式高中成绩单.
  • The number of undergraduate credits for a course taken at another institution must be equal to or greater than the number of credits for a comparable course at CUWAA (i.e. 二学分的课程不能转换为三学分的课程。.
  • If there is no specified program policy, 每门课程的成绩必须达到CUWAA本科入学标准的“D”或更高. 学生成绩低于“D”的课程将不考虑转学.
  • Transfer credits related to a students area of study (major/minor/concentration) may be reviewed by the specific program for age and content relevancy.

Additional information:

  • 转学分不用于计算学生的平均绩点(GPA)。.
  • Students are required to be 'in residence' (i.e. 在毕业的那个学期至少修完一门课程. It is recommended that students meet with their academic advisor prior to the final semester to review their degree evaluation and make plans for completion of all remaining program requirements.
  • Specific program policies related to maximum transfer credits, currency of coursework, or minimum grade requirements will be listed in the program's section of the catalog or in the department's handbook.

In case of special extenuating circumstances, in the Academic Office may approve exceptions to the policy.

Approaches to earning credits

This option may not be applicable within all academic programs. 在注册下列任何选项之前,必须获得部门一级官员的事先批准. 所有成绩单必须在康考迪亚存档,以确保不会有重复的课程作业.

Advanced placement / Dual Credit

大学将通过以下方式认可不寻常的中学作业 advanced placement and dual credit courses and will grant credit to those who have taken especially enriched or accelerated courses before entering college or who have appropriate vocational or professional experience. 申请人在大学批准的入学考试中取得令人满意的成绩,才有资格获得此类学分, including the College Board Advanced Placement Tests, CLEP (College Level Examination Program), DSST(以前的DANTES学科标准化考试)或教师撰写的挑战考试. 通过满意地完成这些考试,可以获得最多30个学期的大学学分.

Retroactive credit for foreign languages

Retroactive credit is available in foreign languages, wherein credit may be given for pre-college foreign language study if the student takes the next highest level of the foreign language at this University and achieves a C or better. 学生必须为已通过的较低级课程申请学分.

Military credits

Military Credits are granted based on the evaluation of an Official Joint Service (JST) transcript or Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) transcript. Concordia accepts up to 63 credits applied towards; electives, lower/upper level core, and/or major requirements.

Prior Learning Assessment

Prior Learning Assessment of experiential learning allows accepted students to seek credit by documenting real-world performance, 在课堂之外获得的大学水平的知识和基于结果的能力. 预先学习评估(PLA)研讨会每月定期通过Zoom进行. During these sessions the students are guided through the process of determining what constitutes college-level learning, outcome-based competence, the process of developing each petition for credit, and how to document learning. 希望提交解放军提案的学生需要参加康考迪亚解放军发展研讨会. 学生将与他们的学术顾问联系,了解如何参加研讨会.

Prior learning credits, if awarded, 可以申请学士学位内的学术专业或必修选修课程吗. The “physical development” requirement within Concordia’s elective core may also be met through the prior learning credit pathway. A maximum of 21 prior learning credits can be awarded and these credits may not be included within the thirty-six residency credits which must be completed at Concordia University in order to be awarded a bachelor’s degree.

All official transcripts for any credits to be transferred to Concordia should be on file prior to submitting a Prior Learning Assessment portfolio to avoid duplication of credits. 先前的学习评估作品集提交也不能重复在康考迪亚完成的任何课程. 先前学习评估委员会每月检讨提交的资料. 请愿书应仅提交所需学分的数量. 学校将通过电子邮件通知学生委员会的决定. 在某些情况下,被拒绝的学分可以重新提交复议. 如果先前学习评估委员会要求对提交的提案进行修订, there is no new fee assessed.

A per credit evaluation fee ($80) is charged for Prior Learning Assessment portfolio submissions and is due at the time of submission. This evaluation fee is not returned if credits are not awarded. 这笔费用在大学财政援助程序中也不符合条件. 通过先前学习评估获得的学分极不可能被转移到另一所学校.

Cambridge Assessment

A和AS级别的学分将根据课程内容和教学大纲进行审查. A grade of C or better is required for credit. These credits may be awarded toward general education requirements, degree requirements, or elective credit. In order to grant the credit, an official copy of the Exam Certificate or the Statement of Provisional Results from the examination board will be required. 课程转换的等效性将在入学时由注册主任决定.

International Baccalaureate

IB focuses on personal, professional and academic development and is globally recognized by universities for the holistic and rigorous education it provides.

Alternative credit earning options

美国教育委员会(ACE)和国家非大学赞助教学计划(PONSI):ACE and PONSI are organizations which validate for-credit coursework completed through non-collegiate education and training programs. 学生必须将教育成绩单的正式副本发送到康考迪亚大学.

人寿办公室管理协会(LOMA)和美国银行学会(AIB): LOMA and AIB provide means to receive college credit for company training professional development programs through an employer. 学生必须将教育成绩单的正式副本发送到康考迪亚大学.

Graduate Students

A student may be allowed credit for work completed at the graduate level prior to enrolling at Concordia University Wisconsin/Ann Arbor (CUWAA). 在某些情况下,衔接协议可能管辖学分的转让. 在没有衔接协议的情况下,建立了以下要求.

  • 在CUWAA学习的课程,无论形式如何,都被视为“实习”课程.
  • Students must earn a minimum of 15 credits at CUWAA to be awarded a master’s degree and a minimum of 30 credits at CUWAA for a doctoral degree.
  • If there is no specified program policy, the university allows for transfer of up to 50% of the overall credit requirements for a degree program and up to 25% of the overall credits for a certificate program, 提供的学分来自另一所地区认可的大学.

Before awarding transfer credits:

  • The student must provide official transcripts documenting completion of graduate-level coursework and the grade(s) obtained for this work.
  • Courses older than seven years will not be transferred unless an exception is granted by the program director and/or Dean.
  • The number of graduate credits for a course taken at another institution must be equal to or greater than the number of credits for a comparable course at CUWAA (i.e. 二学分的课程不能转换为三学分的课程。.
  • If there is no specified program policy, 每门课程的成绩必须达到CUWAA研究生入学标准的3分.0 (B) or better. Courses in which the student received lower than a 3.0 (B) will not be considered for transfer.

Additional information:

  • 转学分不用于计算学生的平均绩点(GPA)。.
  • Students are required to be ‘in residence’ (i.e. 在毕业期间至少修完一门课程. It is recommended that students meet with their academic advisor prior to the final semester to review their degree evaluation and make plans for completion of all remaining program requirements.
  • Specific program policies related to maximum transfer credits, currency of coursework, or minimum grade requirements will be listed in the program’s section of the catalog or in the department’s handbook.

In case of special extenuating circumstances, the Academic Office may approve exceptions to this policy.

Credit sharing between Concordia programs


  • An Undergraduate and Graduate Program: If graduate-level courses were approved to be taken as part of a student’s undergraduate degree, 最多15个学分可用于完成硕士学位.
  • Two Masters Programs: If there is no specified program policy, 一个学生可以在两个硕士课程之间共享最多15个学分. 每个课程至少需要15个独特的、不重叠的学分才能授予学位.
  • 硕士和博士项目:如果没有指定的项目政策, 一个学生可以有多达15个学分的博士工作计入硕士课程. A minimum of 15 unique, non-overlapping credits at the master’s level, and 30 unique, non-overlapping credits at the doctoral level, is required to award each degree.
  • If there is no specified program policy, 研究生共享学分的成绩必须达到CUWAA的3分录取标准.0 (B) or better to count for both programs.

CUAA articulation and cooperative agreements

Concordia University Ann Arbor has cooperative agreements with the following schools to help streamline your path to graduation:

  • Henry Ford Health System – Diagnostic Medical Sonography
  • Providence Hospital – Radiologic Technology
  • St. John Hospital and Medical Center – Radiologic Technology